Maximizing Human Potential



The Fundamental Dynamic – It’s Really Quite Simple

Frustrated American Middle Class

Uncertainty and Populism

White Nationalism and American Patriotism

Making the National Patriot Grade

Ecology and Socialism – Review

Climate Change – Humanity’s #1 Challenge

How Climate Made History

The Creative Use of Memory

Relations – Do I Know You?

Life of Privilege

The Search for Unity

Seeking Utopia

Fantasy – Is It All a Fantasy?

Living the Illusion

Waiting To Bark

Concept of Home, Traditional and Modern

Liberal Underbelly – the Conservative Lifestyle of Modern Liberals

Me and We Values in Democratic Capitalist Societies

Where Have All the Values Gone – Long Time Passing

Men Vs. Women and World Needs

Gender of ME and WE

Review, Brooks, The Second Mountain

Challenge of Opposites – with Commentary

Balance = Quality

Living Life

ME and WE in Perpetuity

The Challenge of Expanding the WE Perspective

Our Two Dynamic Human Perspectives

Dynamic Perspectives on Reality – Societal Implications

Giving, Getting and Participating

What Is Success?



Life Beyond Self

On Love


Yes….But, Assessing the Global Condition of Modern Complex Society

Genetic Engineering – Gene Editing In Humans

What Putin’s 2022 Invasion of Ukraine Reveals

Assessing the U.N Condemnation of Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine

Advent of the ME Perspective in Modern America


Get IT Right

Two Essay Set

       Think About It

       Viewing Reality in Terms of Mass-Less and Mass-Based Energy

Give and Take in Modern Complex Society

Giving, Getting and No Parking

Dynamic Humanism – On Being Human

Complex Human Mind – The Implications for Civilized Society

Global Challenge for Humanity Stated as Simply as Possible

Change and the Human Analytic Perspective In Science, Life and Reality

Hold On To Change

Value of Metaphor

Headlines or Poetry

On the Other Hand……Sleight of Hand

Pace of Change vs Societal Adjustment

Want Rapid, Major Social Change – Revolution?

Human Evolution and Artificial Super-Intelligence

Paramount World View Changes

Respecting the Scale of Our Ignorance

Double Down

The Integration Trend in Human Society

Two Negative Social Trends in Modern Western Civilization

Two Forces in All of Reality

The Fallacy of Dichotomous Conceptions of Reality

Three Essay Set

      Development of the Dynamic Humanism Research Perspective

      The Underlying Reason Why Western Civilization Is At Risk

      Humans – Nothing and Everything – A Matter of Perspective



!! LOVE !!

Love Lite


Living The Contradiction

The Story of YOU


Celebrity Stupid

Our Most Essential Human Problem

Tune-In To The Trees

Ethics and the Energy Perspective


? Capturing the Grim Reaper ?

Why Is Old Age So Difficult?


Remember the Good Ole Days…..Finding Meaning in Human Life

WHY DO WE EXIST? – The Ultimate Question

Life – WHY?

Guns – Bang Bang!

Assessment, Greer, Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind

Extra Terrestrials – Fantasy or Fact?

Three Essay Set

      The Fundamental Human Problem – Perceptual Limitation

      Justifying the Spiritual – Unification Perspective on Self and Reality

      Is Human Reality an Illusion

Human Knowledge of Reality – The Big Picture

Poof – Dealing with the Human Illusion of Limited Time and Scale

Humans and Their Societies – Bounded and Boundless

Great Uncertainty – Present State of Complex Democratic Society

Crisis of Cooperation

Ultimate Human Goal

After a Quick Break

The Social Disaster of Unregulated Social Media

Information and Division In Contemporary American Society

Extremism – Polarization

Educated by Tara Westover – A Review


Process and Progress

Brain Wash, Review

The Power of Repetition Combined with Reward

Social Isolation – Individualism and Communication Technology

Separateness Versus Connectedness

Finding Family

Individual and Communal Values in Human Societies

Despair in Modern Life

Quality of Life for the Elderly in Modern Society

Quality of Life – A Complex Concept

Elders’ Gradient




Inactivity – A Core Disease in Modern Complex Societies

Human Brain, Limits of Cooperation, Sustaining Complex Society

Humanity at the Crossroads

Modern Complex Society in the Civilized State – Is It Sustainable?

Should Capitalism Be Abandoned?

Economic Inequality, Income Disparity, and Plutocracy

Progressive Manifesto – Version II

Progressive Manifesto – Version I

Market Economy vs. Market Society

Money All Mighty

Global Society Monetized

Market Economy, Market Government, Market Society

NFL – It’s All About Money

Past-Present-Future and Societal Worldviews

9-11 Black Tuesday

Art – Entertainment Continuum in Modern Complex Society

Violence and the Film An Unfinished Life

Pets – An Epidemic


Giving Thanks


Granddad Waiting on Death

What’s the Point?


Aging As An Idea